Cross Country Skiing at Þingvellir in December

We were able to lay out cross country skiing tracks today´s afternoon, 22.12. The trail might collect minimal snow next days due to weather. We will try to renew the trail if weather, time and manpower allows. 
We recommend to park at parking lot by Vallarkrókur or at P2.
The track goes from Vallarkrókur east towards Skógarkot (2 km) and from Skógarkot north to Hrauntún (2,6 km). This trail is in best condition. 
Then there is a track from Skógarkot to Tjarnir (2 km). This part has shallower trail and at some places the ground peaks through. 
Here you can get the map in pdf version.
Our track is only single lane. We recommend to stay on the track and taka care near rifts and ravines, we have plenty of the here in the rift valley. 

Best wishes and have fun.
Map of the track

Here is an image of the map that shows the track. 

Beginning of the Track

The start of the track is in Vallarkrókur near Furulundur just below Öxarárfoss.

Rifts in the rift valley

Hence the name of the rift valley. Multiple rifts and cracks are on the way. It is advised to stay on the track.