Safety Advice from the 13th Century
Think of safety
Not all our paths are cleared of snow.
þingvellir þjóðgarður
Órækja Snorrason one of the many persons in the Sturlungasaga used crampons on his shoes to when attacking Gissur at Skálholt on January 2, 1242. Therefore Órækja was more firm on the ice in his attack.
We might not agree with Órækja´s war mentally during the Christmas season but we can praise his use of crampons when it is slippery.
Þingvellir national park tries to clear snow and ice as much as possible. We still recommend though the use of crampons now in the winter season, definitely when heading to Öxarárfoss.
Now it has also snowed over some of the rifts here at Þingvellir so please stay on paths as danger might lurk down below.
Covered Rifts
Some rifts are not easy to notice due to snow. Please stay on our paths.
þingvellir þjóðgarður
Órækja was the son of Snorri Sturluson the writer of Heimskringla the sagas of the Norwegian kings and more. the 13th century is often named after the most powerful family in Iceland in the era or Sturlungaöld. These were dangerous times in Iceland with powerstruggle between chieftians.