
Langistígur trail, which goes through the crevasse Stekkjargjá, a popular riding and hiking path. Part of the Almannagjá crevasse row.
Almannagjá ( Everyman´s gorge) - seen to the north. Pathway in the middle of the gorge and visitors walking.
Islet in Hallvik which is in the norheastern part of lake Þingvallavatn.


A path runs south towards the historical assembly site.


Almannagjá on a cloudy day.


A green islet in lake Þingvallavatn.

In the last few decades, research has made it clear that Þingvellir is a natural wonder on a international scale, with the geologic history and the biosystem of Lake Þingvallavatn forming a unique entity, a magnificent showcase. Being able to witness the evolution and formation of new species in a place like Lake Þingvallavatn is of immense value. The Þingvellir area is part of a fissure zone running through Iceland, being situated on the tectonic plate boundaries of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The faults and fissures of the area make evident the rifting of the earth's crust.